Shoulder Dystocia

Shoulder Dystocia Cases in Mason City

Trustworthy Guidance From Our Iowa Birth Injury Attorney

If your child was injured during delivery from a shoulder dystocia and you think the doctor may have been negligent, call McGuire Law, PLC. At our law firm, you can speak with a competent legal advocate about the possibility of pursuing a claim for compensation. Attorney James P. McGuire is an Iowa medical malpractice who has more than four decades of experience.

Understanding Your Child’s Shoulder Dystocia

Shoulder dystocia occurs when a baby’s shoulder gets caught behind the mother’s pelvic bone during delivery. When the baby is in this position in the birth canal, if the doctor or nurse uses too much force in attempting to reposition or move the baby down the birth canal, the baby runs the risk of stretching and potentially ripping nerves that connect the shoulder, arm and hand to the spinal cord.

This system of nerves is called the brachial plexus. This type of situation can also stop a baby from breathing due to the tight quarters. Oxygen deficiency has been known to cause brain injury. Brachial plexus injuries caused by shoulder dystocia can result in paralysis or lack of mobility in the arm and hand affected during the birth. This birth injury can easily be avoided by medical personnel making a decision to do a cesarean section when the baby is too large for a traditional birth.

Take Action—call Our Iowa Birth Injury Attorney!

When your child has suffered from a brachial plexus injury due to shoulder dystocia during delivery, he or she may end up being incapable of controlling the shoulder, arm, elbow or hand. Physical therapy or surgery may be required in order to attempt to correct the injury.

If this has happened to your child, you may feel devastated and unsure of what to do. With the guidance of our caring attorney, our legal staff will direct you in seeking proper treatment for your child’s injury and prepare a strong case for compensation for your child’s medical costs and future care needs.

McGuire Law, PLC will do its utmost to maximize your potential financial recovery for not only your medical bills, but also for the pain and emotional turmoil that was suffered by your entire family. When you need an experienced and dedicated birth injury attorney, you can turn to us.

We offer our services in Mason City, as well as throughout the state of Iowa. Don’t hesitate to contact us for a free case evaluation!

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